7th February 2012
At the beginning I was quite disappointed, because I had really looked forward to see the temples and learn about Hinduism and Buddhism in practice. But after the first class I actually didn’t thought of the real schedule for the rest of the day. Janita told us about gender and discrimination in Nepal. She told her own and others experience. It was so fascinating that none of us said a single word through her stories. And she made us think and reflect afterwards.
So the raining day became a day for reflection
In next class we learned about social change, activism, voluntarism and development. One could really feel that people was up for discussion for the themes.
The raining day became a day for reflection and discussion
In the evening there was a peaceful atmosphere at the house; most of the group went to Thamel, the boys played Risk in the garden and I enjoyed to calm and quiet moment from my warm bed.
The raining day became a day for reflection, discussion and relaxing
After dinner the rain stopped also for a little while – amazing! Some of us went to the movies to see a film called Kathmandu, while others felt the need to relax at home. The film was about the capital of Nepal; what kind of issues the city was loaded with. Even though, the themes were quite relevant for us, we couldn’t take the film seriously. It is impossible for me to describe why – all I can say is that one should really see this movie! It is long time since I laughed so much!
The raining day became a day for reflection, discussion, relaxing and a lots of fun
- A great day in Kathmandu!
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