Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cremation, marrige and Zurkhanah sport,

Today me and four others (Lea, Michala, Ida and Anna)went to the Pashupacinath aria where you can watch cremation and beautiful tempels. When a person is cremated you are burned naked, covered in layers, with the color white, red and orange/ yellow. The color white symbolize pureness and mooning (soerge). Red symbolize marrige and happiness (happiness because life is pain and now you are dead = happy. Orange/ yellow symbolize Holiness. The body has to be turned tree times before it is burned, because of the tree gods: Shiva, Vissnu and Brama. If you are not cremated as a Hindu you bring shame to your family. The cremation is placed at the river and there is a place for every caste.

At the Pashupacinath aria we meet a Hindu man who told us alot about marrige. The first year a woman is married she has to wear white (for pureness). They may not have sex with their husband and not attend any parties or ceremonies. If the woman becomes a widow she has to wear the white (for sadness) on till you die.

Later we went higher up and meet a group of young men (ca. 17 years) who were training the sprot Zurkhanah, which is a sport from Iran. It is not easy to described, but it was an experiences to remember.


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